I was doing last minute luggage shopping & thought since I'm nearby my Nanny's why not swing over to say hi & play with my niece & nephews?
I had wanted to bring her to Universal studios but Nanny thinks she's still too timid. Better not, in case she cries there! I will be helpless and cry along with her!

Can you imagine them trying to walk & fell down & sit on their diapers?
OMG, that scene always makes me laugh real hard!
TT likes kids ard 3-5yrs. Cos' they are more naughty?
Focusing on Le cos' it's the 1st time he allow me to play/ carry him!
He's so loving when someone carries him. He will stick his face to yours & rub his face on ya nexk or shoulders. Aiyooo, I miss him already!
I'm loving them to bits. They are simply adorable. No wonder my Nanny & older cousins used to dote on me so much. I must be real cute! Hahahhaha!
The place looks not bad but desserts, not that fantastic...
Looking forward to HK!
Looking forward to HK!
Everything is yummy over there?!
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